DHS and DCS Plate Manufacturer

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DHS and DCS Plate Manufacturer - Bone plates

DHS stands for dynamic hip screw, while DCS stands for dynamic condylar screw. Both plates are designed to stabilize fractures in the femur and promote the healing process.The dynamic hip screw (DHS), a femoral head-sparing orthopaedic device, is used to treat femoral neck fractures. Alternately referred to as a pin and plate. Femoral neck fractures that are undisplaced (Garden I and II fractures) can be treated with head-preserving surgery and internal fixation.DHS/DCS Plate system is intended for use in the fixation of fractures to the proximal femur. The system is indicated for use in trochanteric, pertrochanteric, intertrochanteric, and basilar neck fracture.

Distributed control systems (DCS) are dedicated systems used in manufacturing processes that are continuous or batch-oriented. Processes where a DCS might be used include: Chemical plants. Petrochemical (oil) and refineries

 DCS provides a more flexible and scalable solution compared to traditional centralized control systems. This enables industries to adapt to changing requirements and maintain high levels of performance and reliability. Without further a due let’s discuss the components that make up a DCS system

dhs-dcs-plate manufacturer
Bone plates

When it comes to the fixation process, DHS – DCS & Angled Blade serves a significant purpose in treating unstable fractures. DHS plate is a restorative alternative for an intertrochanteric rupture with osteoporotic bone and potentially delicate fracture. Angled Blade Plates are exclusively designed for brief fixation, reconstruction or stabilization of bones in the proximal and/ or distal femur. These plating systems are meant for the fixation of basilar neck fractures like trochanteric and intertrochanteric. GWS Surgicals LLP, India of the leading medical equipment manufacturers, has a wide range of dynamic compression plates that can be used for fixation at the hospital. The tools are designed in a modern way to conduct the surgery properly. To place an order for international supply, contact us! 
