Ilizarov External Fixation System - HCM Orthocare Pvt. Ltd.
What is an External Ilizarov Ring Fixator?
A ring-shaped brace is known as an Ilizarov external fixator (Ilizarov frame). The unbroken portion of the bone inside the limb is used to link the frame to the exterior of the limb. This is accomplished by employing a number of tensioned wires, sometimes known as pins. To ensure bone stability, these wires and pins are fastened to metal rods on the exterior frame.
This system aids in giving the limb structural support and binds the pieces of shattered bone together so that healing may take place gradually. This frame might need to stay on your limb for several months.
Ilizarov frames are employed to:
- assist in difficult fracture healing (complicated broken bones)
- promote the healing of significant skin or tissue loss
- If too much bone was lost during the accident, extend long bones by enabling new bone to grow in between the two fractured bone ends.
- treat bone deformities brought on by trauma or congenital defects.

Ilizarov External Ring Fixator
Ilizarov Ring Fixator is also called Ring fixator (Ilizarov), Full ring external fixation (Ilizarov). For distal tibial fixation, a complete ring is positioned immediately above the level of the ankle joint. It is fastened to the rebuilt tibiofibular articular block using tensioned wires, occasionally with the addition of a Schanz screw. The ring fixator provides some stability because it is an external fixator.
In a multiplanar fixation, pins are put across many planes, which greatly increases stability. The fastening configuration, the amount of rings utilised, and the use of various pin types, such as K-wires or Schanz screws, may all affect how rigid the structure is. The fracture can be distracted or compressed, and abnormalities can be fixed, depending on the assembly. Distraction osteogenesis is a typical use for the ring fixator to treat bone loss, shortening, and deformity.
For ring fixator, this surgery is often carried out with the patient supine. When treating difficult and/or open bone fractures, the Ilizarov device is a type of external fixation used in orthopedic surgery to stretch or reshape limb bones. Open tibial fractures have been treated with the Ilizarov device, often as a last resort due to problems from conventional treatments. to evaluate the outcomes of patients who had ring fixation for the treatment of proximal tibial high-energy fractures. Methods & Materials The Ilizarov fixator and transfixion wires were used on 15 patients (mean age, 36 years) who had high-energy fractures of the proximal tibia. Six patients had serious soft tissue damage, while nine patients had open fractures. In order to better treat fractures, he carried out more study and came up with the concept of an external fixator ring with cross wires.
Debridement coupled with an Ilizarov ring fixator, with or without partial fibulectomy, is a proven approach of treating infected tibial non-unions.