Posterior Cervical Screw System - HCM Orthocare Pvt. Ltd.
In order to treat a variety of cervical spine pathologies, such as neoplastic, inflammatory, traumatic, and degenerative disorders, posterior cervical spine fixation is essential to spinal arthrodesis. In the past, different wiring methods have been crucial to the fixation of the posterior cervical spine. Due to its better biomechanical strength, the majority of spine surgeons now use posterior cervical screw fixation rather than wire. A thorough overview of the intralaminar, transfacet, lateral mass, and pedicle screw fixation methods for the subaxial cervical spine is provided. There is also a comparison of several posterior cervical subaxial fixation methods. Real-time navigation is being used more and more for cervical screw insertion, particularly for cervical pedicle screws, where the safety of freehand approaches was proven in the majority of the studies that are now available.
approach may be more likely to cause neurovascular damage and is technically challenging. For the subaxial cervical spine, there are numerous posterior screw fixation methods that have a relatively low rate of complications. Spine surgeons must to be knowledgeable about these methods and select the best one for each patient’s unique anatomy and surgical requirements.